Resolution Reboot Autonomous Photo Contest. Enter To Win!
Workplace Inspiration

Resolution Reboot Autonomous Photo Contest. Enter To Win!

|Feb 9, 2022

Resolution Reboot Autonomous Photo Contest

We’re well into 2022 and to ring in a brand new year full of luck, good fortune and fresh inspiration we bring you the next edition of the Autonomous Photo Challenge. Introducing, Resolution Reboot. How does Autonomous help you with your New Year’s resolutions? Share your story with the world and be in the running to win a prize from Autonomous!

The past few years have completely flipped the way we work on its head. Do you work remotely from home full time? Back in a professional office setting? Or if you’re a working nomad, maybe you like to switch things up on the daily and take your office on-the-go? We all work differently and are triggered to perform at our best in so many varied ways.

With over $1600 worth of prizes up for grabs, Autonomous wants to make this year your best one yet by supporting a happier, healthier you. Show us how Autonomous products help you on the daily in achieving your New Year’s resolutions and together let's inspire others to live their best lives.

How To Enter Resolution Reboot

Joining the contest is easy. You can partake in the Autonomous Photo Contest as a Participant and/or a Voter.

How To Enter Resolution Reboot

As a participant

  • Upload

Sign-in and upload the best photo of your unique work-from-home, remote, or professional office setup. Your photo must include at least 1 product purchased from Autonomous. It can be any product from any category on the Autonomous website.

  • Tell your story

Submit your photo along with a short caption about how the Autonomous product/s you use on the daily helps you with your New Year’s Resolution/s. Are you determined to improve your physical fitness? Dedicated to focusing on your mental health? Do you want to live a more organized life? Or devote more of your time to hobbies and passions that bring you joy? We’re firm believers of “you do you”, so show us how you’re tackling your 2022 resolutions. Be creative!

  • Share + Win

All entries are posted on the Photo Contest page. Entries with the most votes WINS! Votes cast by colleagues of the participant (ie: who share the same company domain) count as 2 votes. Invite & share your photo with your friends, family and professional network to spread good vibes and increase your chances of winning.

Photo Contest page

As a voter

  • Vote

Sign-in and vote for your favorite setup. You can vote for as many entries as you like. 

  • Win

The prize pool isn’t restricted only to those who submit an entry. The voter that places the most votes wins a prize too!

The Prizes

Both Participants and Voters have the chance to win 1 of 5 prizes, with a collective value of over $1600. The prizes are as follows:

Prize nameAwarded toPrize
Secret to SuccessThe photo entry with the highest number of votes.Autonomous Chair Ultra
Game ChangerThe photo entry with the 2nd highest number of votes.

Gaming Screen PX275C Prime by Pixio


War Zone Bluetooth Speaker by GravaStar

Goal GetterThe photo entry with the 3rd highest number of votes.Flier 2 | Carry-On - Black
Autonomous ChoiceThe favorite photo entry was chosen by the team at Autonomous.

Filing Cabinet 


ThermalComfort: Personal Climate Control

No. 1 VoterThe voter who places the highest number of votes.LED Desk Lamp

Photo Contest Terms and Conditions

Autonomous Photo Contest Terms and Conditions

  • Autonomous holds the copyright of all materials related to the Resolution Reboot Photo Contest, including the work submitted by Participants. Autonomous may use the work in future for commercial and/or non-commercial purposes.

  • Autonomous has the right to make changes to the contest at any time without notice to participants.

  • The nature of the contest and determining the Winners is voting, Autonomous will do everything in their ability to prevent cheating. However, in the case of any dispute/s, the decision as made by Autonomous is final.

  • All winners are determined based on the number and timing of votes received/placed. In the event that more than one Participant/Voter receives/places the same number of votes, we will choose the Participant/Voter who receives/places that number of votes the earliest.

  • All entries must be original work. Participants must hold full rights to their photo submission. Participants take full responsibility if any dispute/s arise.

Autonomous Chair Ultra V2 Giveaway

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